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  • Writer's pictureAmy

Weekend Links to Lift You Up and Make You Think

My thoughts seem lately to wander into a space of wondering how we can re-write the narrative of our country, while embracing all the underlying attributes that we have always loved about what makes us Americans. Here is an article about just that and it's brilliant:

I have had an awakening in this past year to the fact that I am truly here to support my children in becoming who they came here to be, not who I think they should be. When I set all personal agendas for my children aside, the parent/child relationship is transformed and becomes transformative. Here is an article that expresses all of this and more:

I'm always looking for ecouragement to get myself and my children outside more. It is so vital to mental and physical well-being, especially for young children. Nature is the ultimate educational and wellness resource! Not only that, it's free and just outside our door.

Almost no one motivates and inspires me more than Oprah Winfrey. Here is what I have been listening to this week. This is the story of her life, in her own words, told in a way to lift you up and challenge you to find your life's purpose.

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